The Greater Dayton Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Immigrant and Refugee Forum
The Greater Dayton Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Immigrant and Refugee Forum
1:30 – 5:30pm UD Dan Curran Place (formerly “River Campus”).
Meyer Conference Room (off North Parking entrance)
is only a few short days away
and is a free event; light snacks will be provided.
- Judge Walter Rice will give the Keynote;
- 8 Refugees & Immigrants will briefly share about challenges they’ve faced since their arrival here;
- 6 Organizations will share about programs they offer and volunteer opportunities;
- Several Breakout Sessions will explore how we can all get more involved in making things better;
- Over 12 organizational, community, and faith-based groups Information Tables.
.For additional information contact Colette Harrison, co-chair. 937-232-8313
Outline of the Feb 23 Forum on Immigrants and Refugees
- 1:30-2:00. Registration, etc.
- 2:00-2:30. Welcome by Theo; opening address by Judge Walter Rice
- 2:30-3:15. [Colette] Voices of Immigrant Experiences Panel. Immigrant and refugee panelists talk about issues and challenges they have experienced in adapting to and becoming integration into their new communities. Areas where resources have been lacking for them and their communities. And what has helped. But also what more needs to be done to assist their communities.
Presenters: Alieu B. Nyassi, Yahya Khamis, Lizbeth Montoya, Eldar Muradov, Bibebibyo Seko, Catherine Bitwayiki, Yufeng Wang, and Carolina Matarrita - 3:15-4:00. [Theo or Monica] Organizations Panel. Organizations that are addressing these issues and challenges talk about what they are doing and how to get involved. These organizations (as well as others) would be invited to have information tables.
Six Panelists: Hannah Whalen, director, El Puente after-school program; Aaron Kroggel, K.I.N.D. (Kids in New Directions); Cheryl Scroggins, Montgomery County Public Health; Jessica Ramos, ABLE; Edwin Fuller, LEAD (Leaders for Equality and Action in Dayton); Claire Preston on Welcoming Schools: Celebrating Dayton’s ELL Community. - 4:00-5:00 Breakout Sessions by interest ~ Facilitators from the above organizations
- Areas/Topics, with facilitators in parenthesis: Health Care & Mental Health (Colette & Cheryl Scroggins); Employment (Genie); Education & ESL (Claire and Nancy McSherry); Advocacy (Alejandra Espino and Alysa Medina); Transportation (Asked Kettering Health Network – waiting for response); Mentoring (Catherine Bitwayiki)
- 5:00-5:30. Plenary Breakout Report Backs & General Wrap-Up
Information Tables: Invite to participate and have an information table (especially those that could benefit from more volunteers). We can probably get 25 to 30 tables across the back of the room.
Kinds of groups/organizations: after-school and other educational programs; ESL and other literacy programs; transportation; faith-based; health care programs; etc. As well as organizations of immigrant/refugee communities that have relevant programs.
So far, those wanting tables: Belmont United Methodist Church (which has a pantry, ESOL classes, etc.); El Puente; United Way; K.I.N.D. (Kids in New Directions); LEAD; ABLE; UD Law School: Human Rights group; Montgomery County Public Health; Welcome Dayton; African Christian Community Center; Being an American: 3 part program (Ron Katsuyama)