Partnering For Health Equity!
Minority Health Month (MHM) was created in April 1989. It is a 30-day inclusive, high-visibility wellness campaign. In 2000, MHM became a national celebration. Everyone is welcome to participate in all events, which are free and open to the community.
The Five Goals of Minority Health Month are:
- Provide crucial information to allow individuals to practice disease prevention
- Promote healthy lifestyles
- Showcase healthcare providers and resources
- Highlight the unequal health of Ohio’s minorities compared to non-minorities
- Increase ongoing community support to improve minority health
Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County’s Dayton Council on Health Equity will Kick-off Minority Health Month on Saturday, April 6, from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm at The Neon Theatre. Come out for this free breakfast. We will be screening a free movie, “Hidden Figures” to be followed by a community dialogue moderated by Ms. Marsha Bonhart. We will also honor one of Dayton’s own Hidden Figures who was a physicist at Wright Patterson Air Force Base! Please come and bring a friend. Free health screenings, health information and a $10 Kroger gift card.
Get the full Minority Health Month Calendar!
2019 Minority Month Calendar (1.35 MB)