Ohio Civil Rights Transportation Symposium “ODOT” STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS – DEADLINE: March 7th

!! Attention Students!!

Six Scholarships will be awarded to individual Students currently enrolled in college or in a post high school education focusing on Construction and STEM Related fields. There are three (3) $1,500 scholarships for Full-Time students and three (3) $500 for Part-Time students.

Submission Deadline: March 7, 2022

CLICK HERE for Application & Guidelines

Questions & Applications: lair.marin@dot.gov

Ohio’s Civil Rights Transportation Symposium | Ohio Department of Transportation

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Ohio Civil Rights Transportation Symposium Scholarships*UPDATED*Submission Deadline: March 7, 2022In celebration of the 5th Annual Ohio Civil Rights Transportation Symposium, a total of six (6) scholarships will be awarded. Three (3) scholarships of $1,500 full-time individual students and three (3) $500 to part-time individual students currently enrolled in a post high school education focusing on Construction or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) related fields. The Ohio Civil Rights Transportation Symposium Scholarship focuses on broadening the number of individuals in the engineering and transportation industry. Apply today!


¡¡Atención Estudiantes!!

El Departamento de Transporte de Ohio otorgará seis becas a estudiantes actualmente matriculados en la universidad o en una educación posterior a la escuela secundaria que se centre en campos relacionados con la construcción y STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería o Matemáticas). Hay tres (3) becas de $1,500 para estudiantes de tiempo completo y tres (3) becas de $500 para estudiantes de tiempo parcial. La entrega se hará en Simposio de Transporte de Derechos Civiles de Ohio en 25-26 de abril del 2022.Plazo de Presentación: Lunes 7 de marzo del 2022DE CLICK AQUI para obtener la Solicitud y GuíasPara obtener más información: lair.marin@dot.gov / (614) 560-9541Ohio’s Civil Rights Transportation Symposium | Ohio Department of Transportation