Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs (OCHLA) Board Elects New Leadership for 2023



October 19, 2022



Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs (OCHLA)

Board Elects New Leadership for 2023

Columbus, OH – The Board of Commissioners elected its new leadership for the 46th board on its
December meeting naming Manuel Lopez (Springfield) to continue the role of Chairperson along
with Daniel Molina (Loveland, Cincinnati) serving as Vice-Chair and new secretary Commissioner
Jose Feliciano Jr. (Aurora, Cleveland.) They will serve for a period of one year starting this month.

“Thank you to the OCHLA board of commissioners and staff for their trust and support
throughout these past challenging years. The commissioners’ level of engagement in their
corresponding areas of Ohio creates a strong bond to the community at large. I look forward to
continuing partnering with the different levels of government and community organizations across
Ohio to continue building strong partnerships and programs post pandemic,” stated Chairperson
Manuel Lopez. The Commission’s board members are appointed by the Governor bringing
together leaders representing different regions of the state to guide the work of the commission.
Their expertise and involvement at the local level is an invaluable source of information and
contacts that expands the impact of the work of this agency at the state level.

The Ohio Latino Affairs Commission (OCHLA) advises state government on issues affecting
Hispanic Ohioans, connects the diverse Latino communities across the state, and builds the capacity
of community organizations so they may better serve the fast-growing Latino population of Ohio.