Ohio’s COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall for Hispanic Ohioans will be held Feb. 23

Ohio’s COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall for Hispanic Ohioans will be held Feb. 23

Ohio Health Department

Whether it is due to language barriers, lack of access to the healthcare system, or doubt about COVID-19 vaccines, Hispanic Ohioans need access to accurate, reliable information about the vaccines. To help meet this need, Ohio is addressing health inequities and separating facts from myths in upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Town Halls.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangerous myths out there about COVID-19 vaccines. You might hear these myths on social media, at work, or from friends or family. No matter where you hear them, they can cause doubt or skepticism, leaving you looking for answers. The truth is that CO

VID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and rigorously tested. The upcoming Town Halls give you answers and access to trustworthy information about COVID-19 vaccines.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m. During this one-hour Town Hall, available live and on-demand after the event, you’ll hear from medical experts, community leaders, and public health professionals.

How to watch:

Watch live or on-demand after the event:

Watch later on TV:

Watch later on the Ohio Channel. Find your local channel by checking with your PBS station or television provider.

Dates and times you can watch:

  • Saturday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m.
  • Sunday, Feb. 28, 3 p.m.

Learn more at coronavirus.ohio.gov/townhall.